Penrith City Council’s newest sporting facility at Mulgoa Rise in Glenmore Park is now complete and in full use for football for the 2017 winter season.
The new facility at Mulgoa Rise was officially opened on Wednesday 19 April, 2017 by The Hon. Tanya Davies (Member for Mulgoa, Minister for Mental Health, Minister for Women and Minister for Ageing); The Hon. Stuart Ayres (Member for Penrith, Minister for Western Sydney, Minister for WestConnex and Minster for Sport) and Cllr. John Thain(Penrith City Mayor).
Football NSW representatives, the Nepean Football Association General Manager, Linda Cerone and members of Glenmore Park FC committee and players were also in attendance for the official opening.
With 1200 members Glenmore Park FC will call the Mulgoa Rise Playing Fields their home, which has been branded by the Glenmore Park Kookaburra’s as “The Nest”.
The facility at Mulgoa Rise has been developed in two stages and apart from a range of playing fields the site also features car parking, playground facilities, connecting pathways, a storage facility and a central amenities building. The amenities building provides an accessible facility with changing rooms, unisex referee rooms, toilets, canteen, storerooms and an administration/first aid room.
Costing more than $5 million the facility has been funded from developer contributions, the NSW Government Office of Sport, Community Sport Facility Program and Penrith City Council.
The facility will be put to good use by the 100 plus teams that the Kookaburra’s have in the Nepean Football Association.
Congratulations to all the parties involved in producing a fantastic sporting complex for the Mulgoa Rise community and the strong football base in Glenmore Park.
Get out to “The Nest” during the 2017 winter season and check out this amazing facility!
(Photo courtesy of Penrith City Council)