Football NSW alongside the other major sports (AFL, Cricket, Rugby League and Rugby Union) and the NSW State Government have joined forces to provide some information for sporting clubs to manage sporting fields through this difficult time.
The NSW Government recently announced that the 100 per cent of NSW is now in drought.
Less than 10 millimetres of rain has been recorded during the past month in the western, north west and central areas of NSW.
The sports and the NSW State Government have compiled a brochure known as “Managing Playing Surfaces During Drought”. The brochure provides some tips for grass playing surfaces during the drought and getting the most out of playing surfaces.
The tips in this brochure will assist field owners and users in making a difference to their playing surfaces and keeping everyone safe.
We hope that the entire state receives some much-needed rainfall in the coming weeks and months to help our regional communities through this tough time.
For further information on the drought, visit the Drought Hub