Inner West Council has resolved to bring together peak sporting bodies to work with the NSW Government to create a spectacular new recreation and sporting precinct in the Rozelle Rail Yards.
The Government has previously indicated that at the completion of WestConnex in 2023, it will hand back Rozelle Rail Yard in the form of a green “corridor”, called Rozelle Parklands.
Mayor Byrne said the Government has a chance to leave a lasting legacy for the WestConnex project by building an exciting new destination for the people of Sydney.
“Planning Minister Rob Stokes and Minister for Sport John Sidoti are both potential allies who can work in partnership with Council to achieve a great outcome at Rozelle Rail Yards.
“We want to work closely with them to masterplan this site, so that in five years – when WestConnex is finished – what is created is a green haven out of an industrial wasteland. Notwithstanding Council’s objections to WestConnex, this parkland represents a great opportunity to create a recreation and sporting precinct for the whole Inner West region.
“There is a danger that what is handed back to us could be an empty concrete slab. But we think that by working together, we can achieve a much better result than that.
“With preparations for construction of the Rozelle Interchange site proceeding, we believe the time is ripe to convene a meeting with the Government, Council, peak sporting bodies and interested stakeholders to ensure to the best outcome is delivered,” said Mayor Byrne.
Stuart Hodge, CEO of Football NSW, said the development of Rozelle Rail Yard into a state-of-the-art recreation precinct would be a game-changer for sport in Sydney.
“Football NSW is delighted by the news. We look forward to working – in conjunction with the Canterbury & District Soccer Football Association and Inner West council – to ensure football is properly accommodated in the new multipurpose sporting facility.”