Hills Football welcomed the opening of Balmoral Road Reserve in Kellyville recently.
The Hill’s newest sporting complex, Balmoral Road Reserve was officially opened by the NSW Minister for Planning and Minister for Homes, the Hon. Anthony Roberts MP and the Mayor of The Hills Shire, Dr Peter Gangemi on July 22.
Balmoral Road Reserve is located within the Balmoral Road Release Area; an area bounded by Old Windsor Road, Windsor Road, and Norwest Business Park.
The Reserve includes:
- Four multi-purpose fields
- Four tennis courts and two multi-use ball courts including lighting.
- An amenity building containing change rooms, public toilets, a kiosk, storage, and a meeting room.
- A separate building within the park for Council’s ground staff and storage for sports clubs.
- A carpark for 245 car spaces including 6 DDA spaces.
- Picnic facilities.
- Kick-about area.
- Extensive shared pedestrian/cycling paths with lighting linking into the local trails network
Minister Roberts said, “it was wonderful to see the Reserve go from a plan on paper to a reality, thanks to a funding boost from the NSW Government’s Accelerated Infrastructure Fund (AIF)”.
The AIF assists councils in co-funding and accelerating the delivery of critical local community infrastructure, including roads, stormwater infrastructure and public open space, while also providing jobs and boosting the economy in the process.
Hills Football is a growing football association in a growing area of Sydney. In 2022, Hills Football recorded over 12,300 registered winter participants.
The suburb of Kellyville is a football hotspot, with over 1,500 registered participants in the suburb which is almost 6% of the Kellyville population.
Football NSW Manager – Government Relations, Funding and Infrastructure, Daniel Ristic further highlighted, “in the Hills Shire Council, there is one pitch for every 212 participants, this is well above the state average of 1 pitch for every 166 participants.
“Planning for Growth and Demand is a key pillar of the NSW Football Infrastructure Strategy. The addition of new venues and fields for football is crucial for the growth of the World Game in the Hills area.”
Hills Football Director – Special Projects, Matt Rippon commented, “Hills Football is pleased with the ongoing collaboration and support with Hills Council in facilitating the player growth and facility demand of the Shire.
“The ongoing support of Mayor Dr Peter Gangemi and Hills Shire Council will ensure Hills Football can best cater for the continued and expected participation growth outlined through the associations infrastructure strategy.”
The Reserve caters for several sports and features some exciting elements, including tennis and multi-use ball courts, as well as multi-purpose fields, which will be used by football, AFL, and cricket.
Hills Football looks forward to the construction of further football facilities in the Hills Shire LGA, including Anthony Skarett Reserve in Box Hill, Caddies Creek Sports Complex (Stage 2) in Beaumont Hills and Stringer Rd Reserve in North Kellyville.